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Parent Parking

A majority of Bethel’s students use district transportation to get to and from school.  However, it is important that families feel welcome to visit the building and drop off/pick up their students as necessary.  Please refer to the map below for information about our building’s traffic patterns.  These rules have been established for everyone’s safety.

When visiting Bethel, it is important to park in one of two designated areas.  General parent parking is reserved for Bethel parents in the upper lot, accessed by using the crosswalk.  Handicapped parking is available directly in front of the building.  Please note that laws regarding handicapped parking and use of placards are enforceable by our district police.  

District transportation (school buses and specialized vans) utilize the bus loop at the front of the building.  In order to avoid congestion and traffic accidents it is critical that parents not drive into the building’s front parking lot unless accessing the handicapped parking.

aerial parking map for Bethel ECC